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Gál Andrea » Szekció: English Language and Literature » Bemutatás éve: 2010 » Cím: The Relationship between Paralysis and Short Story as a Genre in James Joyce's Dubliners (Meeting Joyce - my moment of revelation) » Intézmény: BBTE, BtK, angol-magyar szak, I. év » Minősítés: 2 díj » Témavezető: dr. Petronia Petrar tanársegéd, BBTE, BtK, Angol nyelv és irodalomtudományi tanszék
» Kivonat: “In the history of humanity there has always been an urging need to quarrel with the past, to make something new and completely different. From the middle of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century, a period that we call Modernism, the unprecedented social and technical development had a great influence upon literature as well (freedom in stylistic experiment, the stream of consciousness, the “re-evaluation“ of all values etc.). One of the greatest representatives of Modernism and one of the most outstanding “cultivators“ of short story writing was James Joyce (1882-1941). My goal is to look into the relationship between Modernism and the features of the short story, from the perspective of Joyce's Dubliners. I am especially interested in the way this much debated idea of paralysis is related not only to the content, but also to the form of this genre. In other words, I am looking for an answer to the question: Can the shortness and compactness of the form be also a marker of the paralysis?“
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